Coworking Memberships



Perfect for people who want and need to work somewhere that’s not home

Be part of and support our community.

  • Entry-level membership

  • Stake out one of our 62 first-come, first-served hotseats

  • Interact as little or as much as you want


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dedicated desk

Tailored for people who need
on-demand workspace

All standard membership benefits plus:

  • 30-inch by 60-inch wooden desk or adjustable-height standing desk

  • Lockable storage

  • Ability to leave items such as computers and monitors overnight

  • Mail service


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Private office

Great for small teams working
40 or more hours per week

All standard membership benefits plus:

  • Space for teams of up to three people or up to five people

  • Lockable door and storage

  • Ability to leave items such as computers and monitors overnight

  • Mail service

from $450/month


Maker Labs Memberships

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Maker Labs membership

Find inspiration in our collaborative Maker Labs, well-equipped with the machines and tools to enable you to take your idea from concept to market.
Take advantage of our dedicated staff. Mix with mentors who’ve started and sold businesses and are committed to helping you engineer success. Let’s talk about what you’re making.

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maker Labs studio rental

Looking for a dedicated workspace? Check out our Maker Labs studios, which give you and your team a place to stash your work without the hassle of cleaning up or starting anew every day. Our studios allow you to collaborate with other makers but give you the advantage of having an on-site home as you bring your product to market.

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