The Groover Labs team has built and installed building upgrades Along with other coworking amenities, we’ve added large whiteboards in each room. The team also installed baffling in our podcast studio earlier this week.
Welcome New Community Associate Amy Huser!
Welcome to our new community associate Amy Huser. She is a local artist with a background in customer service and a passion for building community. With an MFA in painting, Amy has taught foundation art and design courses at Wichita State University. She also has gallery coordinating experience.
Our Lowest Pricing Ever on Select Memberships
We’re offering a limited number of dedicated desks for $200 each and a limited number of studios for $250 each. Desk and studio members have 24/7 access. Benefits include: Gigabit fiber internet access, conference rooms, fresh local coffee, free, doorside parking, great Old Town location, and more.
Flexible Day Pass 10-Pack only $75
We’ve put together a special day pass package just for you. Buy a pack of 10 day passes before December 31 and pay only $75. Our day passes normally cost $20 each, so this special package saves you $125! Get yours here!
Groover Labs Co-Founders Appear on ICTPodcast
Last Friday our co-founders Curt and Tracy sat down with Brandon Paulseen of ICTPodcast to discuss Groover Labs, Wichita, technology, and the local startup ecosystem.
Click here to listen on Apple Podcasts.
Member Interview with Kate Van Steenhuyse
Kate Van Steenhuyse is the point of contact for the South Central and Southwestern Kansas regions for the Kansas Creative Arts Industries Commission. She joined Groover Labs’ dedicated desks and has become part of our community. I connected with Kate last week over Zoom to learn about her work.
Groover Labs to be Satellite Screen for 2021 Sundance Film Festival
The Sundance Film Festival will take place in Park City, Utah and New York, and Ohio, and Tennessee, and Kansas, and California, and Florida. The festival, which runs from Jan. 28 through Feb. 3, is rolling out in numerous cities across the country as the gathering goes virtual because of Covid-19.
Foreman Law Office Hours at Groover Labs
Foreman Law will host office hours at Groover Labs on 12/4 from 9-12. The attorneys at Foreman Law have years of experience working with startups and advising startups at all life cycle stages concerning legal and practical considerations related to formation, operation, and liquidity events.
24/7 Access Options
We understand the odd hours Wichita entrepreneurs and startup founders must work. We’ve been there. It may have been with our own projects, or it may have been with the spin up of Groover Labs itself. Ideas strike at the most inconvenient times. Enter coworking 24/7 at Groover Labs.
December Hours
We will be closed on Thursday, December 24 (Christmas Eve), Friday, December 25 (Christmas), and Friday January 1. We will close at noon on Thursday, December 31. As a reminder, dedicated desk and private office members have 24/7 access to the building.