Update from Groover Labs about coronavirus

Groover Labs is closed until further notice to anyone who is not a member. 

We have cleared our calendar of all events, and we are not allowing more than 10 people in our building at the same time. Our small staff continues to work on site for as long as that makes sense. 

We are actively looking for ways to apply our makerspace equipment to deliver critically needed resources such as surgical masks and face shields for local medical personnel. If you know of a local medical facility or first responder that needs masks, face shields or other critical components, please let us know through our contact page.  We're here to help.

Like other organizations, we’re closely monitoring updates and guidelines issued by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). You can read more about recommendations from the CDC here and WHO here. This is a fluid situation, so we will adapt as the guidelines change.

Now is the time to act smartly, so we’ve stepped up our regular cleaning procedures. At the front desk and in the kitchenette area, you will find both hand sanitizer and Clorox wipes. Wash your hands often. Use Clorox wipes to wipe down any public space before you sit down to work. 

Our building is 37,000 square feet of finished space, so we are well-positioned to practice social distancing while we work.

We’ll send staff home if they’re not feeling well.

If any of our members are found to have contracted the virus, we will contact each of you directly by email and provide more information about our next steps.

Thank you for supporting Groover Labs. We didn’t expect a global pandemic when we broke ground, but here we are. We appreciate your trust in us. If we can answer any questions, please let us know. 


The Groover Labs Team

Curt, Tracy, Maggie, Jeremiah, Paul, Deb and Parker