Groover Labs Members in NXTUS Cohort

Congrats to several of our members (and a former member) for being accepted to this year’s NXTSTAGE Enterprise Engagement Series 2024 cohort. The series, a program of NXTUS, connects startups with medium to large enterprise organizations. As part of this initiative, they will host workshops where startups can learn how to do business with these organizations, gain insights into their processes, and form relationships with fellow cohort members.

Groover Labs members and associates that are part of the 2024 cohort:

Molly Breitenbach, COO of Candid Health Advisors. Molly joined Groover Labs over a year ago.

Chad Cox, founder of Optical Launch. Chad is a current member at Groover Labs, and he’s one of the first founders to get an office here all the way back in 2019.

Tony George, founder of George Consulting and Engineering. Tony isn’t a member of Groover Labs right now, but he’s been a member in the past.

Brian Howell, founder of While Brian isn’t a member, he graduated from CAMPFIRE, and he uses our conference rooms to meet with advisors and prospective clients.

Ryan Selenke, founder of Reliant Merchant Services. Ryan has been a member at Groover Labs for almost two years.

Congrats to all our members!