A Community of Common Interests

We’ve said since the beginning that community is at the heart of everything we do at Groover Labs. Our members receive plenty of benefits, from gigabit fiber internet access to bottomless coffee to 24/7 membership levels. But these are only amenities compared to the innovative and collaborative environment we’re building.

In 2020, we had no choice but to pause our efforts while we withstood the Covid-19 global pandemic. In 2021, the phones started to ring. Conference rooms were booked. Massive, multi-day events were held. Private offices filled up. Off-site meetings were scheduled. Dedicated desks were occupied. Our studios were transformed into customized office spaces.

In short, the community we envisioned began to take shape. And in 2022, it took off.

Last week, one of our members went looking for help with an engineering problem: He needed a mathematician. So, we dug up a member who’s a physicist. The engineer and physicist met at the front desk and bumped into an economist. Together, the three of them—three people working for different companies on different projects—worked together to do the math and compare notes.

And like that, the problem was solved.

This is but one example of several cases we see each week—members sharing their collective knowledge to solve problems. If we can define “community” as “a group of people having a common interest,” we’ve come to discover at Groover Labs that the common interest is the drive to share knowledge that produces better work and better products.

If you’re working at home, encounter a problem, and wish you had someone to talk it over with, come down to Groover Labs. Grab a Day Pass ($20/day) or a hotseat membership ($80/mo). Or, if you’re looking for something more permanent, ask about dedicated desks or private offices and studios.

We welcome everybody! Our background is in tech, and several local tech startups office here. But we also have business consultants, financial advisors, graphic designers, real estate teams, commercial construction managers, architects, venture capitalists, and more, all working out of Groover Labs. Add in Wichita State University’s student art gallery ShiftSpace and an event venue, and you have a wide diversity of creative people.

If you’re interested, schedule a tour. If you know someone who’s interested, send them our way!