Use these Links to Schedule a Room

A few notes on calendar usage:

  • The links are for everyone to use. Be discreet about the info you share in your calendar entry, as it is visible to everyone.

  • The Golden Rule applies — what goes around comes around:

    • Try to limit your reservations to 2 hours or less. You may need a longer reservation from time to time. Just be mindful that conference rooms are a shared resource.

    • Include your name and contact info in your calendar reservation.

    • Don’t modify others’ reservations.

    • Drop-in room use is definitely an option but reservations have priority. Vacate the room quickly if someone reminds you that they have it reserved.

    • If someone is using a room you have scheduled, politely remind them that you have a reservation.

  • QR codes are posted outside each room to access that room’s calendar directly.

ALL Groover Labs Calendars

COnference 303 (8 people)

Conference 309 (Podcast Studio; 8 people)

Conference 310 (4 people)

Conference 311 (4 people)

Conference 312 (8 people)

Conference 320 (8 people)

Board Room (12-18 people)