Greenfield Incorporated completed a round of funding to expand its F2F© | FLEET-TO-FARM throughout the growing season, bringing Robots-as-a-Service to broad-acre farmers and delivering regenerative agriculture ingredients at scale.
Members in the News: Greenfield Robotics
Check out the latest news story about our Maker Labs Studio member Greenfield Robotics, whose fleet of farmbots removes weeds from crop rows in an effort to eliminate chemicals from farming. Groover Labs cofounder and Executive Director Curt Gridley has been working with Greenfield Robotics to design the electronics for the next-generation robot. Gridley, who has a deep background in hardware engineering and tech startups, began working with Greenfield last year.
New American Renaissance Manufacturing Tour 2022 with Andrew Crowe
A few weeks ago, our partners at WSU Tech and the Greater Wichita Partnership came to us to discuss a last minute opportunity: Andrew Crowe, a manufacturing influencer, was coming to town to talk to students at USD259 about advanced manufacturing careers. They wanted to know if we’d be willing to host a few events.
RECAP: 3D Printing classes
Groover Labs is excited to begin opening its Maker Labs facilities by offering a roster of classes, with plans to expand in the future to more classes, Maker Labs memberships, and open studio hours for class attendees. We recently held two 3D printing class sessions to begin our education outreach. Led by Executive Director Curt Gridley and Shop Lead Jeremiah Burian, we had students with different levels of experience and a variety of goals.
Interview with Metal Shop Lead Jeremiah Burian
Meet Jeremiah Burian, the Metal Lab lead at Groover Labs. He’s one of our earliest hires, and he’s worked tirelessly since mid-2019 to bring the Maker Labs online. Burian has vast experience in metal works, completing a professional welder program at the Tulsa Welding School. He enjoys teaching, and he’s ready to lead his first Maker Labs-related class at Groover Labs starting Oct. 1. We sat down with Burian to discuss his upcoming four-week 3D Printing and Open Studio class.
3D Printing and Open Studio
Are you looking for an in-person 3D printing class in Wichita? Are you in the market for a 3D printer but not sure where to start? Do you already have some experience with 3D printing but want to build your skill level? If the answer is “yes” to any of these questions, then our in-person 4-week 3D Printing and Open Studio class is for you.