Groover Labs

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Are you ready to be in the hotseat?

Greetings again from Groover Labs!

We hope you’ve been enjoying our newsletters. For the next few weeks, we’ll continue to use them to provide updates about what’s happening inside Groover Labs as well as any other important information. 

In the future, we’ll use the newsletter as a way to share information about events at Groover Labs. If we have a presentation scheduled in our event venue, we’ll post dates, times and sign-up information. When we have lunchtime talks, we’ll share details about the day and topic. If we arrange for a food truck during lunch in the courtyard, we’ll let you know. And, of course, we’ll make all of this information available on our website too.

Digital Wichita

Earlier this week, Parker McConachie, our community development manager, spoke at Digital Wichita’s and the Wichita Chapter of the American Marketing Association’s event “Adventures in Social Media Marketing: Practical Strategies in an Age of Disruption.” 

During the event, he announced that Groover Labs will host Wichita’s Social Media Day on June 10, 2020. #SMDayICT is an annual celebration that recognizes the way social media and technology impact the world. Attendees will file into Groover Labs for an all-day conference with dynamic speakers who will address topics related to social media, marketing and content creation. We’re excited to work with Digital Wichita and the AMA Wichita Chapter!


In other news, we heard from Patrick Walsh of Oak and Iron that we can expect the first delivery of hotseat furniture early next week. As a quick reminder, hotseats at Groover Labs are first-come, first-served seats located just west of our entryway. Think of hotseats very much like a coffee shop environment but with Gigabit fiber and without interruption by friends having that long-delayed (and loud) chat at the next table over. We will offer three ways to access a hotseat: by the month, by the day and in packages of day passes.

Thank You

We want to take a moment to wish everyone a happy holiday. We’re grateful to all of our friends in the Wichita community and beyond who have supported our mission. To those of you we’ve leaned on for expertise, to those of you we’ve asked incessantly for advice, to those of you who have volunteered your time — THANK YOU. 

These are exciting times for Groover Labs! We’re testing our systems, moving in our hotseats, building out our website and refining our member onboarding processes. Before you know it, we’ll be ready for business. 

The Groover Labs Team